Welcome to our Day 2 of our "10 days of self-care" & thank you for putting you first & joining us.
Today, put just 15 minutes aside (or more if you can) to get cosy, make a warm drink & embark on a new journey.
Whether you're an avid reader or have needed a prompt to reach for a book again, we are going to share some of the benefits of reading.
Why is reading so important?
(Sensitive content: Talk of mental illness & mental health book recommendations.)
Have a think and try and think of some ways that reading has ever helped you or could help you. Reasons for reading are different for everyone, but here are some we have come across on our internet travels:
- It can provide the mind with a healthy escape - When you open a book & get stuck in, it transports you to a new world on a new journey. Unlike watching TV, we use a lot of our imagination when we read to translate the words and set the scene in our own minds. Each book will look different to everybody in their minds and this is one of the beautiful things about reading.
- It helps to reduce stress - A study carried out by the University of Sussex in 2009 revealed that reading can actually reduce stress, as much as up to 68%. Picking what you read is therefore important as picking a book that may induce stress or make you feel angry or helpless will have the opposite effect. Be mindful of this & put that book down & find another if you experience negative, harbouring emotions that feel overbearing.
- It can give us a chance to identify and empathise - By reading about others experiences, we can feel less alone. Books can address issues we are dealing with in our daily lives head on that you may find difficult to approach otherwise.
- It promotes more understanding - Similar to the point above, reading educates us therefore enabling us to have more compassion and understanding for those and the world around us.
- Reading improves focus & concentration - Text in a book can reduce attempting to multitask or getting distracted easily. This then has a knock on effect on your productivity in work etc as you find it easier to stay focused.
- Depressive thoughts can be reduced by reading - Self-help books have been found to help those suffering with mild mental illness and can actually provide ideas to help people where people may have felt helpless otherwise. It can also make us more self-aware.
- It can boost our sleep quality - It's not uncommon to actually drift off mid-read! Try reading for 15 minutes before bed on a night and you may just be surprised at how effective it can be at "switching your mind off" after a long day!
- It improves our general knowledge - it may seem obvious but sometimes we forget just how much we can learn from reading.
Amy's favourite self-help books
Amy loves reading (as do a lot of the Comfizz Team) & here are some books she has found have helped her with anxiety, mental health and more:
- "You Will Get Through This Night" - Daniel Howell.
- "Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?" - Dr Julie Smith.
- "The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down: How to be Calm in a Busy World" - Haemin Sunim.
- "Reasons To Stay Alive" - Matt Haig.

- "The Comfort Book" - Matt Haig.
Are there any books that you love and/or that have helped you? We'd love to know what they are and why! Comment below.
We look forward to you joining us for Day 3 of 10 days of self-care tomorrow!
Enjoy the rest of your day and be proud of the fact that you have managed to put some time aside for you!
Disclaimer: As always, this post is from our Social Media & Marketing Specialist, Amy's, experience of living with a permanent ileostomy, Crohn's Disease and from what she has researched. Nothing in our blog posts should be taken as medical advice. It's always best to consult a medical professional if you have queries or concerns.

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