Welcome to our "10 days of self-care" & thank you for putting you first & joining us.
We recently told you about our 10 days of self-care, which we are now starting with Day 1, running up to (and including) Day 10 which will be Friday 6th January 2023.
We hope you had a lovely Christmas and now, it's time for some you time every day for the rest of the year and to kick start your 2023.
Self care notes
It is vital to remember that self care is all about you therefore the beauty of it is that you can include what does help you in a self-care routine and eliminate what doesn't. Everyone is different.
It may even take you a while to find out what things work for you and the thing that don't so don't be discouraged. Like a lot of things in life, self-care is also a lot of trial and error and some suggestions in our 10 days of self-care may not be for you. The important thing is to give them a go (if you are physically able to without risking injury) and see how you get on.
Even setting 15 minutes a side a day for self-care can be beneficial. Something is better than nothing. The key to self-care and finding it beneficial in the long run is adopting a consistent routine with the right intentions that works for you.
Please note, stoma supportwear is a must when exercising. Why not make the most of our Limited Edition marl waistbands offer and buy 2, get 1 free today? These waistbands are perfect for a light yoga session as they offer light support or, if you prefer or have a small hernia, wear them with another level 1 garment by layering garments to provide Level 2 (medium) support.
Without further ado, let's get started!
Day 1: Breathe, through doing yoga with us
Read more on yoga with a stoma.
What are the benefits of yoga?
Yoga has many benefits including:
- Helping flexibility
- Promotes stress relief
- Improves mental health and may help to alleviate depression and anxiety
- May reduce inflammation within the body
- Increased strength over time
- May improve quality of life
- Promotes immunity
- Improves balance
- Promotes heart function and breathing
Can you get injured from yoga or get a hernia?
The simple answer is yes, as with all exercise. Through taking the right steps such as warming up, stretching, cooling down & listening to your body, these risks can be significantly reduced. Injuries such as lower back pain, wrist pain & hamstring tears or pulls can happen as a result of yoga, but again, this usually happens down to pushing yourself too far, not listening to your body and/or not warming up and cooling down properly.
As for getting a hernia, hernias are very common after abdominal surgery both short term and long term. Everyone really worries about getting a hernia, including myself, but listen to your body and know when to seek advice before trying things such as certain yoga postures you aren’t sure on! If a posture feels like it may be pushing you too much, or even if you think it may be pushing things a bit too far before you have even attempted it, then simply don’t do it. It goes without saying that it's a good idea to clear trying yoga with your stoma nurse or a medical professional first.
Do yoga practice with us
Today, we are going to follow a 10-Minute Yoga for Beginners video with Yoga with Adriene.
Although not essential, you may want to bring a blanket or a towel and definitely find somewhere comfy such as laying a blanket down on the floor to provide a base to carry out the session and provide some padding, especially if you have sore joints. If you have a yoga mat, even better, but again, not essential!
Breathing is often referred to as the "essence of yoga". It assists us with the practice and also enables us to become more self-aware and in tune with our mind and bodies.
If you prefer or are a wheelchair user, you can try this "Gentle Chair Yoga Routine" by Yoga With Adriene.
How did you find either practice? We'd love to know! Comment below.
We look forward to you joining us for Day 2 of 10 days of self-care tomorrow!
Enjoy the rest of your day and be proud of the fact that you have managed to put some time aside for you!
Disclaimer: As always, this post is from our Social Media & Marketing Specialist, Amy's, experience of living with a permanent ileostomy, Crohn's Disease and from what she has researched. Nothing in our blog posts should be taken as medical advice. It's always best to consult a medical professional if you have queries or concerns.

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- What is a prolapsed stoma?
- What would you have written to your child before their ostomy surgery?
We are always looking for new topics to write about! If you have any ostomy life questions you'd like answering or any subjects you'd like us to address, please comment below or email us at info@comfizz.com.
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