So a couple of weeks ago I wrote a post about the different active videos people were posting for you to join in with? Well I am very blessed to have a good sized back garden and myself, Sarah and Hannah ran around our back gardens of varying sizes to show people who also have gardens that they if we need to in the future exercise in them! We are entering the second lot of three weeks of lockdown in the UK and if people keep flouting the rules we may see stricter rules on leaving the house.
All three of us took a heck of a lot longer than we thought we would to run round our respective backyards and found it really demoralising because you can’t pick up speed anywhere (not that I am a speedy runner but the other two are!) For me by the time Strava told me I had done 5K it had taken me 1 hour 15 minutes which I can run around 6 miles in that!! Over the next couple of days as we were encouraging people to do either a 5K or tackle a 10K like we ended up doing; we learnt that to get a more accurate reading we had to use an indoor setting.
So armed with 00Steve’s garmin on indoor run, my sports watch and the Strava app I set off to run laps round my backyard that 00Steve measured to be 0.07km! I think I did around 130 or so laps and although I was fine whilst running it my garden isn’t level (00Steve is using his lockdown time to get the garden a bit tidier and level it off!) and has triggered tendonitis in my right foot and the muscles around my shins aren’t happy. I do have connective tissue issues and I also ran 8 days in a row which totalled 29 miles! So my garden isn’t totally to blame!
My watch decided to pause itself at 1.3 miles, 00Steve’s garmin said I had done 10K when my Strava app said I had done 5.9K so that shows the sheer variation! I am glad even though my legs hurt that I did the challenge and did it in memory of our little spaceman and it was so emotional afterwards just seeing how many people joined in with us! I went into doing this backyard challenge thinking it would take me 2.5 hours to complete but in the end it took me 1 hour 20 minutes and I realised that last week instead of doing a backyard 5K I did just short of a 10K!
Do you think if the rules change you would be able to keep exercising in your back garden? If you even have one?
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