About Us

About Us
Comfizz was established in 1998 as a fashion garment producer moving into specialist sportswear in 2002. We provided high performance, breathable garments that fit like a second skin, to give ultra comfort and total freedom of movement for athletes.
In 2004 when a family member had stoma surgery, we worked together using our expertise and access to performance fabrics, to produce the most comfortable, functional support wear. Thanks to Comfizz origins in clothing and high performance garments, we are in a very strong position to provide the best, most innovative medical support wear. Understanding athletes needs as well as patients, we’ve been able to combine all our experience into the product range so that you receive the elite benefits that athletes expect.

Our motto encompasses our aim to help wearers feel good about themselves, improve self-esteem and encourage them to get on with life. When you’ve experienced surgery or have to live with a stoma, self-confidence can become an issue for a number of reasons, many relating to self image and fear of being different.
Comfizz garments are designed in collaboration with patients & professionals who understand what it’s like to have surgery or live with a stoma. Our garments provide the highest possible level of comfort. Modern and non-medical looking, our garments gently support the abdominal region and stoma bag, which helps to improve bag adherence, thus reducing the potential for leaks. These benefits help ostomates feel less “different” and more confident.

Our Symbol of Excellence
This symbol reflects our company roots. It stems from the initials of our family member, Ernie, who became an ostomate and helped us create Comfizz Support Wear.
Whenever you see this symbol, be reassured it’s a Comfizz original garment created with passion, commitment and a genuine understanding of the needs of ostomates.

Constant Innovation
Despite our market successes, we are always looking for ways to make improvements in garment design, function and fabric properties. We regularly consult health professionals and patients to keep our products cutting-edge. We value learning from these people, getting hands on experience about what can be improved.
Our Ethos

Unlike many of our competitors, we provide the greatest range of sizes from junior & extra small to 4XL - for men, women & children.
Our Mission

We ensure our garments are ultra-comfortable, simple, functional and most critically do not appear ‘medical looking’ as far as possible.