Useful links


BlogLooking for ostomy education & related topics, helpful hints & real life experiences? Look no further! Browse our blog for support!

BetterHelp - Making professional therapy accessible, affordable, and convenient - so anyone who struggles with life’s challenges can get help, anytime and anywhere.

Bladder & Bowel Community - Supporting and empowering the bladder & bowel community.

Bowel Cancer UK - Providing expert information and support for everyone affected by Bowel Cancer.

Breakaway Foundation - UK charity supporting children with bladder and/or bowel diversions/dysfunction and their families since 2006.

Bladder Cancer (Cancer Research UK website) - Providing information on Bladder Cancer (& other forms of cancer from the homepage)

Changing Places Toilet Map (UK) - These are toilets which have more space and the equipment, including a height adjustable changing bench, a peninsular toilet and a celling hoist.

Colostomy UK - Supporting and empowering people living with a stoma since 2005 through providing information and reassurance to those who may be about to have, or have had colostomy surgery. Colostomy UK also provide support for families and carers.

Crohn's and Colitis UK - Formerly the National Association for Colitis & Crohn's Disease (NACC), CCUK brings together people affected by Ulcerative Colitis & Crohn's Disease, their families and those involved in their care such as health professionals. 

Crohns Disease UK - An online support resource for those affected by Crohn's disease, established since 2007 Full of useful information

Fight Bladder Cancer - Passionate about fighting bladder cancer, from experience. There to support those on their bladder cancer journey.

Ileostomy & Internal Pouch Association (IA) - Supporting people living with an ileostomy, since 1956.

Macmillan Cancer Support - Doing whatever it takes to support people living with cancer.

Mind - Information and support on living with a mental health problem.

Reach - Hirschsprung's Disease charity, helping children living with HD in America & Canada.

Samaritans  - If you need someone to talk to, they'll listen, without judgement and without telling you what to do. Call 116 123 any time, for free, or e-mail for a response within 24 hours. If you don't want to speak to anyone, you can also write a letter or download their self-help app.

Stoma Tips - A magazine for ostomates, full of practical information and inspiring stories to help you live with comfort and confidence.

The NHS - Information available on the resources and services available in the NHS.

United Ostomy Associations of America, Inc - UOAA promotes quality of life for people with ostomies and continent diversions through information, support, advocacy and collaboration.

Urostomy Association  - The UK's national charity for people with, or about to have, a urostomy diversion and those who support them.

Join our support network

Here at Comfizz, we are willing to listen to your stories and questions in relation to ostomy life and our products. Of course, where we can help, we will, but it is important to remember that we are not medically qualified. 

We do have ostomates within the Comfizz family and also have experiences personally and some of our Comfizz family members have Inflammatory Bowel Disease, so we are always on hand to happily offer a listening ear (or eyes over social media and e-mail), empathy and support.



Have any useful links you'd like to share?

Please e-mail our Social Media & Marketing Specialist, Amy, at and she can get your helpful links added to our list.