Meet The Comfizz Team

Meet The Team

Nozar Alikhanizadeh
Managing Director
All round good guy that gets things done. Assists with calls and enquiries and manages stock.

Lorraine Alikhanizadeh
Marketing Director
A woman with big dreams, to help folks reach their potential.

April Appleyard
Admin & Procurement Specialist
Keeps the Comfizz ship sailing, processing all orders, answering calls and emails.

Omeed Alikhanizadeh
Business and Product Development Master
Ideas man who does a lot of unseen work behind the scenes towards our growth.

Nicolle Mintilana
Finance Manager
Cool, and calmly keeping us on the straight and narrow financially.

Ernie Millington
It All Started Here!
He supplied the problem for us to find a solution for. If it wasn’t for Ernies’ ostomy, we wouldn’t be here.

Mike Millington
Video and Graphics Designer
Brings creative flare with a smile to all our platforms.

Rachel Allen
Raising awareness & writing blogs for all things ostomy & invisible illness as a Mum of a mini ostomate with Hirschsprung’s Disease. Also a HD warrior herself! Keep up to date with Rach over on Instagram: @gutsy.mum