Lignocade Infusion During A Pandemic

Lignocade Infusion During A Pandemic

On the 1st of October I went in for my lignocade infusion to help with multiple conditions I have that cause me chronic and total body pain. When I had originally got the appointment the hospital I would be receiving treatment; at had no covid patients and I was relieved. Then the week of the appointment the hospital had a t least 25 patients and the anxiety really started to set in.

I have friends that work on wards in the sister hospital letting me know they were covid free if I could swap to that one. In reality I wouldn’t have been able to get Ra-Ra to school and Button to nursery then drive 20 miles to the hospital all in half an hour. So I put my big girl pants on and just went to the original hospital.

I mean I had been due my infusion around March when the whole country went into lockdown and I somehow managed to run through the pain and then be dead for the rest of the day. It has been just over a year for my last infusion so I knew I couldn’t go much longer in reality.

I spent that whole week waiting to hear if I needed to have a covid test before getting my infusion, but nothing. I did query it when I got to the clinic as they were taking my temperature and they said if I was going to theatre than it would have been necessary. I have the track and trace app on my phone so I scanned that as I entered.

I was having the infusion over 20 minutes with a 5/10 minute grace period at the end in case I had a bit of a reaction. I had to have it slowed down due to getting a tingly tongue and my ears felt like they were full of cotton wool. This happened last time too but other than that I was fine thankfully. I am also really lucky that for the most part it has started to help, sure I still get the acute pain that comes with my conditions but the more dull aches that I actually struggle with were eased and that is the bits I was struggling with. So in around 6 months time I can have it again and hopefully keep up with the minimal pain.

Currently it is working well although I have a few days that suck more than others but maybe that is because I am more active than I was the first time round.

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