Storing Ostomy Supplies

Storing Ostomy Supplies

This week I would like to talk to you about how you store your ostomy supplies! This is very individual and there is no right or wrong way to store your bits and bobs and sometimes can depend on how much space you have available to you and how many supplies you need at any one time.

I myself have two systems I use in my house with regards to having limited space –

  • an upright small wicker set of drawers in my bathroom that sits just to the right of my sink – this holds all of my “in use” items which means at any one time there should be enough for three bag changes. I top up these drawers as needed.
  • Clear storage boxes that stay up on top of my wardrobe – there was up until recently 2 of these boxes but I downsized if you will and removed all of the items I never use either due to not being right for me or samples. Now there is just one box that holds the supplies I top up my drawers with.

Even though my system works for me it isn’t very organised as it is just a “let’s fit it in” kind of approach especially in the box; whereas in the drawers there is a little more organisation going on! I guess because I only keep enough supplies for so many appliance changes it never gets too cluttered. Out of the box is where I get the bits for my handbag and work bag so I always have at least one change with me – I would be screwed if my stoma decided to be an absolute bugger!

Some people may have different systems such as Rachel from Rocking 2 Stomas uses a chest of drawers to put her supplies in this means she has plenty of space for her ileostomy and urostomy items. Louise from Crohns Fighting has a plastic drawer system that holds her items. If you keep your supplies in the bathroom and want them to be less visible for instance a clear box you can stick on sheets like people use as drawer liners.

I would love to know how you store your ostomy supplies? Have you tried different systems and found the one that works for you or are you still searching? How do you keep your items organised?

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