This post is a day earlier than I would usually try to post but today is actually a very important day; it is a day where you and every other person should talk about your emotions or mental state. Yes I also believe we shouldn’t need to have a day for this but there is still so much stigma around mental health and talking about it so days like this help as they are promoted on social media.
Time to Change is the organisation behind the day in question – they want everyone to have at least one conversation about mental health today.
This year’s Time to Talk Day is all about bringing together the right ingredients, to have a conversation about mental health. Whether that’s tea, biscuits and close friends or a room full of people challenging mental health stigma, we want you to get talking.
Mental health problems affect one in four of us, yet people are still afraid to talk about it. Time to Talk Day encourages everyone to talk about mental health.
Having conversations about mental health helps break down stereotypes, improve relationships, aid recovery and take the stigma out of something that affects us all. There are lots of different ways to have a conversation about mental health. And you don’t have to be an expert to talk.
However you do it, make sure you have a conversation about mental health this Time to Talk Day
I talk about my mental health quite frequently because I bottled it up for such a long time thinking people had it worse than me so I should just keep my mush shush! It took me feeling so incredibly low that I genuinely believed my children would be better off without me in their lives to go and ask for help. I have been doing therapy for the last few months and I’m unsure if it has helped but what it has done is give me some great friends all in the same boat.
Just because we may feel like someone has it worse than us doesn’t invalidate our own struggles. They are important and sometimes just talking it out makes the whole situation seem a little less dark and the burden a little less. So please take today to get into the habit of talking about your mental health, be it a friend or a professional take that step and don’t feel bad for doing so. We all struggle but we are all wired differently and sometimes that is the reason things affect us all on different levels.
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