What Is In My Hospital Bag?

What Is In My Hospital Bag?

 hopefully won’t have to use this either ever again (wishful thinking) or very rarely but I have spent a good chunk of my life in and out of hospital and I have learnt a thing or two that was helpful for admissions. So I thought for those who may be new to chronic illness I would do a little post on what I do for those just in case moments.

I always have a bag packed because if I am in a lot of pain I really don’t want to be faffing about packing a bag, plus since having my ostomy 00Steve doesn’t know what I use – now don’t get me wrong he would definitely grab me some bags but what about the other bits he doesn’t know about? This way he can grab my bag and I am ready to go; I only pack things for a short stay as usually he or my parents would bring me stuff as needed. Although that didn’t happen with my last stay due to unforeseen circumstances but one of my school mum friends said she could bring me stuff etc from 00Steve at school drop off on the days she works at the hospital which was ever so kind of her.


The permanent items

  • The bag itself doesn’t want to be too big nor too small – I use a holdall I got when I signed up to my ostomy delivery service you maybe eligible for something similar from your own. I find it is perfect as it has lots of pockets and a decent sized main pocket. Plus it’s electric blue so it is easy enough for 00Steve to tell it apart from my other bags.
  • I take 3 of my normal Peak Medical ileomate oval base plate bags and one high output bag from Pelican Healthcare; the reason for this is I like to have enough for 3 changes in case of leaks and after being hospitalised with gastronenteritis I don’t want to take the risk of high output causing me issues.
  • I have my little fold up carry case from Coloplast that I can pop my other items I use for my change into, which means a discreet and easy way to transport everything to the bathroom.
  • I have a pair of pyjamas, leggings, t-shirt, dress, socks, x3 knickers and a bra which sets me up for a couple of days as I will also have the clothes on my back that I got into hospital with.
  • Personal items such as sanitary towels as I only have one mooncup, lip balm, moisturiser, toothbrush, toothpaste, nail file, body spray, comb, hair bobbles and my basic make up – eyebrow pencil and mascara!

The grab and go items

  • My phone charger because let’s face it how can you keep those you love updated and not feel so isolated yourself.
  • A book – I like to have a few items to alleviate boredom and I never know what my mood will take me, a puzzle book, a notebook and pen.
  • Headphones – I have to be able to listen to music or if I am going to video call 00Steve and the kids so headphones are a must for me.
  • Any current medication I am taking.

What items do you take into hospital with you? Do you have a hospital bag ready just in case?

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