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Ostomy Superhero’s– A Humorous Tale

Sometimes life with a stoma can get heavy with struggles and become so difficult. That's when perhaps a reframe can help like this light hearted Ostomy Superhero story Calling all Ostomy Super Heros, get your cape ready as you prepare to face one of the biggest potential villains when living with an ostomy… The dreaded Hernia. These pesky hernias wreak havoc in the ostomy world, spreading discomfort wherever they go, causing unsightly bulges, pain and difficulties getting your bags to stick properly. They are the chink in the Ostomy Super Heros armour,



So you have been told you need stoma surgery….   If you have been told with time to plan it can come with its positives and negatives. Time to plan and be prepared, but also to worry. You will find lots of useful blogs and advice from ostomates and reputable ostomy companies, advice is never hard to find. During your pre op appointment you should be given advice on essentials to bring.    Creature comforts   Nothing makes a hospital bed more comfortable than your own pillow or an extra blanket. Subconsciously you will feel more settled with your own of these. With hospitals being one of the least sleep friendly places to be, it might just help you drift...


What clothes can you wear with a stoma?

It is natural for endless questions to be whirring around your head and to feel apprehensive about the answers or not knowing where to go for answers. One of these questions that we know a lot of ostomates have after surgery, as they start to recover, is "what clothes can I wear with a stoma?" Many people panic that they'll have to dress in clothes that don't reflect the person they are and/or spend their lives hiding in baggy clothes.


Men's Health Week: Living with IBD and/or a stoma

Men's Health Week has nearly come to an end (14th - 20th June). Obviously from my blog posts here with Comfizz, you read a lot about how life is for me as a female with IBD and a stoma. It's widely known that women often seem to be a lot more forthcoming in talking our their struggles & experiences in general, let alone with something so personal, so it's been really nice to hear from Neil, Andy, Lee, Sean & Keith about their experiences. Thank you so much guys for being so open & sharing your stories & tips.
