Appreciation for the NHS

Appreciation for the NHS

As I write this blog I am home from an unexpected hospital stay with my little boy. He got dehydrated quickly and required IV fluids. Being a patient with open access due to this needs it took one phone call and only a few hours before he had a cannula in and fluids given. Now I understand that it may take a lot longer for some, and we have ourselves waited many hours for such things, but it never fails to amazing me how they can take a poorly child and so quickly make it seem brighter and hopeful that they will be ok. Having a child who has had 10 operations and myself a fair few due to Hirschsprungs Disease and stoma surgeries to boot, we are well versed in hospital stays, the logistics, the hierarchy and the experience of living in hospitals for an extended amount of time. Family and friends try as they may to relate and console, simply don’t understand what it feels like to constantly feel out of control with your own child, putting them into the hands of strangers with the risk of it going wrong. Thats what we are doing every time. Trusting them to help us, and always being there whenever needed. 


Thats the amazing thing about these people. Yes its their job. Yes they get paid. But they most certainly don’t clock off at 5pm and leave whatever is going on for the next shift. I haven’t met a nurse that leaves dead on shift change. They are making sure their patients are ok and informing the next to make sure all the boxes are ticked. I see them with their tired eyes, talking at the nurses station about what they need to do at home and how they haven’t seen their kids due to night shifts as other family members care for them. Choosing a job in the NHS means sacrifice. We have all watched in amazement the last two years of the sacrifices made for us. I don’t think anyone can see the NHS the same ever again, especially those that never have a need for their services and seen the work they do.

The hospital that supports my boy Noahs Ark Children’s Hospital Charity in Wales has performed all 10 of his operations and he walks in like its his home. He struts around the place and chats to everyone. He is comfortable there despite what has to be done, and that’s all because of the care given and for that we will always be eternally gratefully. I was honoured when asked to be a Family Ambassador a few years ago and take pride in that privileged position. I am currently training for a half marathon raising money for them and volunteer where I can which can be found on my page here. I believe in always paying forward gratitude and giving thanks where you can. What people don’t realise is that the hospitals charity funds essential equipment needed and play workers to distract children from painful situations. It is not all funded by the government and without the hard working staff of the charity operations and children’s anxieties in stressful situations wouldn’t be supported. 

It was lovely to see familiar faces in our recent hospital stay and chat with those that still remember when my boy was a baby. One nurse Adele is the member of staff that when I see her I get emotional. One hospital stay when our little man was terribly ill and slipping away with dehydration waiting for a theatre space, this nurse fought tooth and nail for us. She went above and beyond and through the hurdles of lack of spaces and staff she got him into theatre. There are members of staff that have a place in your heart when they play a part in saving your baby’s life. Jakes stoma nurses have a place there too. They are so attentive, care so much, and reply to emails at silly times in the night. They are like old friends now and being a huggy person I just want to hug them with gratitude but with personal space and all that I haven’t of course! I hope the next 2 years see us in a new place where they are paid what they deserve and can live their lives with less sacrifice. NHS we thank you and will always be grateful for you.


Take care, Rach @gutsy.mum x

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