Let’s get moving in lockdown!

Let’s get moving in lockdown!

The United Kingdom is on lockdown until further notice, the schools are closed except for key workers kids and the vulnerable, many employers have had to furlough staff in a bid to flatten the curve to slow the spread of the virus and more importantly help reduce the potential strain on the NHS. We are *currently* allowed to go out to exercise once a day either solo or as a household. That doesn’t mean you want too though whether because of showing symptoms and self isolating, the anxiety of catching it or because you just plain don’t want too! For us as a household it is difficult as I want to try and go for a run but I also want to go for a walk with my kids so it is a toss up of which I do if I even leave the house other than work!

We as a family, in pairs or individually during lockdown have been doing different activities online to get us up, moving and the blood pumping! Everyone goes on about how exercise is good for you physically and mentally so here is my round up of our favourite activities you can do live or at a time that suits you!

PE with Joe – if you aren’t familiar with Joe Wicks aka The Body Coach he became an online sensation from his quick and healthy meals in 15 minutes or under and his HIIT exercises. Since the schools have been shut Monday through to Friday at 9 am he does a 30 minute live exercise stream for kids but all the family can join in! 00Steve does it with Ra-Ra and sometimes Button joins in. If you miss the live stream you are able to watch and join in later. He is also whilst the lockdown is on donating any profits from advertising to the NHS so if that isn’t a reason to even just put it on in the background I don’t know what is! 00Steve said that is is a really good workout for adults who haven’t worked out in a while to get a base level fitness.

Dance class with Oti and Marius – so this is a bit different and we discovered it this week after a friend posted a video of her doing it! Oti Mabuse and her husband Marius Lepure are Latin and Ballroom dancers – Oti is on Strictly Come Dancing. They live stream on Facebook and YouTube at 11:30 am for the kids class which has songs from Trolls and Frozen. They choreograph dances and repeat each section till you have the routine down. I have been doing some with Ra-Ra. They also do an adult class at I believe 7:30 pm. Again you can watch these back or watch them live. Also can I just point out this isn’t an airy fairy class I did two days in a row and the muscle ache I have is incredible!! I was worried this morning that 00Steve would need to help me off the toilet!

Yoga with Adriene – I have been doing the odd bit of yoga and these are all free; she talks through what to do and offers variants depending on your ability. I find it is nice to do it to unwind from the stress of everything going on and the fact I have two kids who don’t shut up! I am incredibly lucky however that I have my family safe at home.

Boxercise – one of my Dance Mom’s put this in our WhatsApp chat and said said it is a nice alternative to PE with Joe. It is a 25 minute, no equipment cardio/boxing workout. I am going to give this a go on the weekend as the part of my body I am not a fan of is my arms and hopefully this should help tone them up!

Are you doing any online activities during lockdown? Would you find any of these useful?

1 comment

  • gwrnnfkocp

    Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

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