New Year Greetings!

New Year Greetings!

Hello and Happy New Year to all our lovely readers! I trust you had a nice time with family and friends or chilling by yourself if that is your thing? 

Do you make resolutions/goals/mini challenges? There is a lot of negativity around resolutions hence the fact I added the other options. I personally prefer goals or challenges and this year I have made a few small goals.

I want to be healthier and that doesn’t include anything to do with my weight which is quite a nice change of perspective. I want to be able to eat what I want but sensibly rather than eating like it is my last meal and not making decent choices. I want to be able to get back into exercising and generally feel fitter.

I am a true believer in wearing support wear when it comes to exercise without a doubt and another reason why I like Comfizz so much is because of their varied range really does mean there is something for everyone as we are all unique; I personally like the t-shirts and the vests best.

This time I am starting off small to save my disappointment if something crops up. By small I mean if I want to eat something I will I will just eat a smaller portion if it isn’t the healthiest option and not beat myself up and call it a cheat meal. I am reminding myself everyday that I am not on a diet. I am not putting silly expectations on myself like I had done in the past for instance thinking I can start running straight away. So I am doing small workouts of 4 reps of 20 in sets of 3 – I am also not beating myself up if I miss a day I am just tagging it on to the next workout.

Have you made any goals for 2019? If so I would love to hear them.

I got into more depth about my journey here on my personal blog.

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