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How does accessibility impact people?

Accessibility is something that those with an invisible illness can find challenging. Whether it be accessing a building, funding, benefits or services online, for me it can feel exhausting that you have to prove it constantly. All too many times in the ostomy community, we see stories about ostomates who have been denied access to leisure facilities, or questioned for their use of disabled toilets. 

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What is the best way to sleep with a stoma?

One of the most common questions as you start to adapt to life with a stoma is "what is the best way to sleep with a stoma?" Especially if you were a stomach sleeper before your surgery, even doing something so natural as sleeping can seem quite the challenge! Add hospital nights with beeping machines and being woken up what seemed like a zillion times to get your blood pressure checked and even getting back into some sort of sleeping routine can often take a good while. 

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Can you go to a spa with an ostomy?

This month I was lucky enough to win a spa day competition! You know when you get tagged in a million competitions by certain friends, well I can tell you its totally worth it! Its something as an ostomate that can feel quite daunting going to a spa. You may have worries about what swimwear to use, what treatments you would feel comfortable having, and how much you need to disclose.

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5 ways to store your ostomy supplies

It is a comforting feeling when your ostomy supplies delivery arrives on your doorstep. After your door shuts, how do you go about organising your ostomy supplies? Do you store them all in one place or have some in different rooms? Are you super organised and label where everything is or do you put them in a drawer and hope for the best? However your organisation style may be, we are going to give you 5 ways to store your ostomy supplies below. 

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How can I prepare my child for going back to school with a stoma?

A new school year brings with it so much hope and promise. For me working, in education it has always felt more like New Years than New Years itself. It's such a milestone when your child progresses to the next academic year. Another Summer has passed making memories and letting them be kids for that much longer, in a world where it seems so keen on advancing at an exponential rate. I think we can all agree that the youth of today seem to be growing older at a far quicker rate than generations before them. 

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Does hot weather affect an ostomy?

Hot weather - you either love it or hate it! However, if you have an ostomy, it can cause problems. Hot weather can and does cause problems in ostomy life, but everybody is different and is affected to different extents. Knowing how to handle hot weather with an ostomy and how you may need to adapt your daily routine definitely helps and also enables you to feel more in control. Read on for some tips to help make the heat more bearable!

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Can you have a sex life after stoma surgery?

Having ostomy surgery can, naturally, be so daunting, then you've got all these life elements to think of that increasingly creep back in as you recover, including your sex life. Being concerned about intimacy is normal and you may have questions running through your head such as "will my partner find me attractive any more?", "will my sex life be the same as before surgery?" and "will having sex hurt me?"

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How long should an ostomy bag stay on?

If you are new to the ostomy community, one of the first questions that may be on your mind is ‘how long will my stoma bag last?’. Unfortunately there is no definite answer (annoying I know sorry!). It should be changed when needed, preferably before you have a leakage starting and not so long that you see your baseplate start to give way. As you get into a rhythm of your stoma routine, and you establish when it is safe and comfortable for you to change it, it will become as automatic as getting up and brushing your teeth in the morning.   

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What does an abnormal ostomy look like?

Whether you're new to ostomy life or not, knowing what your ostomy should look like can help you to feel more in control & more knowledgeable.  Knowing what is visibly normal and what isn't, as well as getting to know what feels normal is vital to adjusting to ostomy life. What should your ostomy look like? After ostomy surgery, your ostomy is likely to look swollen and you will normally be able to see it through a clear, drainable ostomy bag so that your surgeon, doctors and nurses can check your ostomy easily. Your ostomy may also have stitches around it to hold it to the skin around your ostomy and these stitches are often dissolvable. Your ostomy may also...

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