Learn with Comfizz

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Stoma Care Clinic at Comfizz HQ

The brains at Comfizz HQ came up with the wonderful idea of running a stoma care clinic right in the the offices where you can not only see a specialist stoma care nurse BUT you can ask all the nitty gritty questions about hernia prevention and support wear from those who know it best! These clinics are such a great idea because so many of us wanting to prevent hernia’s have ostomies. You may not be able to see your stoma care nurse easily or prefer to not be in a hospital setting. The staff at Comfizz are really nice and easy to talk too and I’m not just saying that because when I first had my ileostomy I started...

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Backpacking with an Ostomy?

Yes! Backpacking with an ostomy! I didn’t think it could be easily achieved with an ostomy but two of my friends have both gone off into the unknown and I asked them about what it was like for them and did they have to take anything special or take certain precautions. We are seeing more and more younger ostomates who want to go travelling, see the world and test their boundaries; we also have older ostomates who finally feel well enough to do the same. Read on intrepid explorers to find out their top tips!  First of all we have Mark who talked about his ostomy journey last year. who literally sold his London flat to fund his travels and has been actually living...

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Why is having an Emergency Supply Bag a Good Idea?

No matter how far along in your ostomy journey you are I fully believe it is a good idea to have what I call a “go bag” for different situations or reasons. You may have found the perfect routine which leaves you with next to no leaks now which is fantastic but there is always the small possibility something may change be it what you have eaten, the weather or something else. I have a few different bags of varying sizes dotted around the place which mainly gives me the reassurance that I can carry on my day with a clean appliance. So I have in my work bag one full bag change and that includes some underwear! One in...

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Reppin’ the Rep’s! Julie from Fittleworth

This month’s company representative is Julie from Fittleworth, she came to do a talk at the Hambleton and Richmondshire Ostomy Support Group and I asked if she would be interested in taking part, she nicely agreed! Here she is with her other main love in life her dogs this one is called Rags. What company do you work for? Fittleworth Medical What is your job role? I’m a Dispensing Relationship Manager, a posh name for a rep. How long have you worked there? 10months How did you get into this job? Through a recruitment agency, as most reps do Do you have any advice for someone who would like to this or something similar? Make sure you are sure it’s what you want to do,...

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Keep an Eye on Your Diet

As you all know our diets with our ostomies are unique to us. Although diet usually only affects urostomates with colour and odour it can be a whole different ball game when it comes to colostomates and ileostomates. This means it is important to pay attention to what we eat and no that doesn’t just mean how much we chew; although that is very important in itself! You may have had your stoma only a few weeks or it may be years before you notice that certain foods can cause you issues. Now as a rule most but in no way all ostomates tend to not eat sweetcorn or mushrooms for the risk of blockages. Now if they are chopped...

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Stoma’s aren’t always Sunshine and Rainbows

I more often than not sing the praises of my ileostomy and how it has given me a third chance at life, third time’s a charm so they say right? It really has improved my life and although I have other diagnosis’s to deal with that means I am not as healthy as I had hoped that isn’t entirely to do with having an ileostomy (scar tissue anyone?) So this time I thought I would let people know about the times during the little over two years I have had my red blob and why I get annoyed with it; because I on occasional get really annoyed with it and that is okay. Like I said for the most part...

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NHS 70!

Yesterday our national treasure that is the National Health Service turned 70! That is quite an achievement since a lot of things have tried and are actively trying to tear it apart. It was formed back in 1948 on (obviously) the 5th of July as part of the social reforms after the Second World War. At its launch by Aneurin Bevan on 5 July 1948 it had at it’s heart three core principles: That it meet the needs of everyone, That it be free at the point of delivery, That it be based on clinical need, not ability to pay. Three years after the founding of the NHS, Bevan resigned from the Labour government as he opposed the introduction of...

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Time of the Month and an Ostomy

This is one for the ladies! As we all know our time of the month can cause more hassle than it’s worth, what with the cramps and hormones to name a few. I conducted a poll to see if it was just me that found I suffered a lot since my ileostomy (I got sick before my menstrual cycle started so I know no different with my Ulcerative Colitis and didn’t find it got worse after my jpouch surgery) I broadened the result options as I wanted to see if having an auto immune disease or having something else affected it too. Like I said I was sick before my menstrual cycle started so I don’t know if mine were...

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Why I Chose My Barbie Bum

I thought I would talk about how I came to the decision of having a Barbie bum over a temporary ostomy. Now this isn’t as far as I’m aware for urostomates but it is an option for those going for a colostomy or an ileostomy. The first time having an ileostomy was brought up I was 14 and I felt at the time that I had plenty more things I could try before resigning myself to surgery at such a young age, the surgeon was fantastic and accepted that was a fair point but allowed me to keep the option of surgery open. When I decided in 2015 that I needed to do something to get rid of the Pouchitis...

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Raising Hope not just Funds

This week I want to talk about different ways raising funds for groups or charities can be useful not only for yourself but people on the whole. Everyone knows that feeling you get when you help someone or you do a sponsored event, yes having that nice warm fuzzy feeling inside can be deemed as selfish to some but when you know some greater good is coming out of it it is a totally justified feeling! When we raise funds for charities and causes it isn’t just about the raising of money but the hope it gives people that vital research is being carried out, people can be cared for by specialist nurses or just encouraging people to be social...

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