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Appreciation for the NHS

As I write this blog I am home from an unexpected hospital stay with my little boy. He got dehydrated quickly and required IV fluids. Being a patient with open access due to this needs it took one phone call and only a few hours before he had a cannula in and fluids given. Now I understand that it may take a lot longer for some, and we have ourselves waited many hours for such things, but it never fails to amazing me how they can take a poorly child and so quickly make it seem brighter and hopeful that they will be ok.

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Adaptive Festive Outfit Ideas

How wonderful is it that we can look forward to the festive season, the chance to dress up and make memories with our nearest and dearest. Last year we certainly weren’t in the same position, but we are now in a much hopeful and positive position that we can think about what we will get up to, and what we can wear to sparkly in the festive season.

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Does having an ostomy mean you are disabled?

International day of persons with a disability - 3rd December 2021 This day was first introduced by the UN in 1992 to protect the wellbeing of individuals with disabilities and their human rights. This year's theme is 'Not All Disabilities Are Visible’ which teams with the work I have done in the last 2 years with Pelican and Respond Healthcare. Their Be The Change Campaign and Cardiff City Centre’s signage change on toilet facilities, meant not just a wheel chair logo but also people who appear to have nothing wrong being included.

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What were your first signs of Crohn's?

Hello my lovely Comfizz readers! November 20th is Universal Children’s Day #UNChildrensDay.  Having been given a diagnosis of Crohn's disease at 7 years old, this is obviously something that had significant impact on my childhood. A question I get asked quite frequently is: "What were your first signs of Crohn's?" In this blog, I am going to answer this & give you a bit more insight into having Crohn's disease as a child (what I can remember of it any way, with a little help from my Mum!) Malnutrition As a toddler, I suffered with bouts of Malnutrition (where your body doesn't have the right nutrients) from being a very picker eater, weight loss & had loose stools & diarrhoea...

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Dating whilst chronically ill

This year has been far from easy for many of us but it has certainly put me on the ropes a few times. I recently came out of an 11 years relationship which was immediately preceeded by a 5 year one. So even though I have been chronically ill all my life I am slightly apprehensive about dating again and when to discuss my health let alone my stoma. When I was 21 I was with a guy called Stewart; we had a very up and down relationship to say the least but although he wasn’t great when it came to me being in hospital he was really supportive whilst I was managing a flare at home. He also discussed...

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International Mens Day - November 19th 2021

Sharing our stories and opening up the conversation is the best way I know how to spread awareness. With being the only female in my little family I feel it important to take this opportunity to appreciate my three boys. Being a mother and step mother to boys comes with its own sense of responsibility to ensure they grow into respectful, courteous and kind men who can lead happy fulfilling lives, and know that we as parents will be there to support them in any way possible. 

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How can colder weather affect my ileostomy?

Hi lovelies! It's Amy here, or as some of you may know me, ibdwarriorprincess on Instagram.  I hope you all enjoyed Halloween (if you celebrate). I decked our house out with some decorations, we had a pumpkin carving night & really enjoyed it!  Now the weather is getting colder, it can be handy to be aware of the ways that it can affect having an ileostomy, especially when it comes to your equipment and skin etc for your bag to adhere to. Before I get started, I'd like to just remind you that this isn't medical advice. This post is drawn from my own experiences of living with an ileostomy & my own research.  Warm output I'll start with this...

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Moving House

I have literally just moved into my own house which has done wonders for my mental health as I have got my own space, I am seeing my children everyday, I am doing my full hours at work plus a few more, I have a daily routine which really makes all the difference plus I get to see my friends on a more regular basis. I am really fatigued with trying to do everything all at once and as my Nanna says “Rome wasn’t built in a day” so I am having to pace myself so I don’t have a burn out because I want things nice before Christmas. There are a few things to consider when moving house or...

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